What is Social Selling?

What is Social Selling

Social selling is about taking advantage of the social networks in finding the right market and building tested relationships with clients. As a result, your brand will achieve your sales goals. This sales technique gives you better sales and lead generation. It also eliminates for you to carry out cold calling.

The best thing about it is that it helps you build and maintain relationship easier within your network that your brand and customers can trust.

What are the basics of social selling?

First, you’ll need to have a professional brand. Bear in mind that B2B buyers can be very selective. They only purchase products from brands that they can trust. Having a high professional name will show to them that you’re active participant within your industry.

What your actions on your social media channels should allow your prospective buyers in discovering that your brand is trustworthy. That said, you should show to them that you’re an information concierge.

Then, find and connect with your target market. You should share revenant industry content or comment on news alert. Most B2B buyers respond to brands that can connect with relevant insights.

You should enhance your thought leadership by only keeping yourself up-to-date with the latest news and trends.

Build trust with your target market by providing them with useful information to common pain points. Make sure that you create genuine conversations with them and focus on their needs before you sell.

Social selling requires constant engagement with your current and potential customers. It also requires keeping them more interested in your brand.

Social Selling

Social media as a telephone

Online selling has evolved and so has the communication tools. More and more customers ar using social media to connect with people and not only to make sales. Before you jump into a conversation, make sure that you listen to your target customers.

And of course, be social when you’re using your social media channels. Bear in mind that your prospects are using the channel to unwind and enjoy. They’re not there to listen to your sales pitch. The key to a successful social selling tactic is to be social, instead of being on social media.

Another way to excel at social selling is to provide your target market a reason to make a connection with you. When you send an invitation to connect with you, ensure that your message is personalized. Once they accept your invitation, thank them first and never sell to them.