The New Mobile Rules for Search

Responsive Web Design

The new mobile rules for search are in connection with the latest announcement of Google that it has recently changed its SEO ranking algorithm. With the latest update, it aims to improve user experience when using smartphones to search. It also aims to improve search results and make them more user-friendly for those who are using mobile phones. The update also penalizes sites that make browsing through mobile more difficult.

Mobile Site Rules

Responsive Websites

One of the latest mobile rules for search is to make sure that your website is responsive. Google prefers website that can easily work across all types of devices, from laptops to desktops to smartphones to tablets. And your site must have a single URL.

Google likes responsive websites because it doesn’t have to redirect traffic from one URL to another. The length of the redirect may not have a problem if you’re using a strong Internet connection. But what if your user is using a 3G connection? A second delay will definitely decrease your conversion.

Mobile Proxies Won’t Rank High

This is bad news if you’re indeed utilizing a mobile proxy to handle your mobile or tablet site. Google may still continue to support proxy solution. However, the company did mention that configuring mobile proxies incorrectly can negatively affect your ranking.

If you still want to continue the use of mobile proxies, make sure that they have met Google’s provisions.

Mistakes in Smartphone Sites

Unplayable videos, faulty redirects and page speed are just three of the many common mistakes in those who are still using smartphone websites.

One of the things you can do with unplayable videos is to use HTML5 video.

Faulty redirects are still common. But you don’t have to worry about it if you only have one-URL site. However, if you don’t have a responsive design and one-URL site, make sure that your redirects are properly set up. In this way, your mobile web users won’t get frustrated when they follow your link from a Google search.

Another mobile rule for search that you should heed is page speed. Your users don’t have enough time to wait for your page to load slowly. The shorter time it takes to load, the better.

Adhering to the new mobile rules for search can surely please Google’s crawler and other search engine crawlers. If you ignore them, your traffic will slow down and your user experience will significantly reduce. By following the recommendations of Google, you will definitely improve the search results of your mobile or responsive.