What is Quality Content for Google?

What is Quality Content for Google

Google utilizes sophisticated algorithm. For that reason, it is difficult for your site to reach a higher rank. That’s why SEO has been created to help businesses in getting their sites ranked high on the search engines.

Some tricks are worth your time and money; while others are rarely worth it. Instead, hire an SEO professional to do the optimization on your behalf.

But there’s no need for you to become an SEO expert to control a vital element that determines your site’s ranking, i.e. quality content.

How Google evaluates your content?

The tech giant published an SEO guide that talks about how it assesses a content. Based on that guide, a quality content involves expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. Those sites considered by the search engine giant offer their readers high quality and sufficient content.

They are also trustworthy.

For Google, the standard will depend on the topic. For every page, it must have a purpose and it must be met with expert content, including words, videos, and others.

The content should be of high quality. That is, it must be accurate and written clearly. If the topic is broad, the content should have a lot of information about the topic. If it is necessary, make the content lengthy.

What is Quality Content for Google

Information about the site

Users look for sites that they can trust. To make them feel that they can trust your site, you need to include your company’s address, maps, phone number and email. It is also vital to include your writers’ bios and testimonials.


The site’s reputation is also an essential element for Google to judge your site. If your site is still new, its reputation may still be low. One of the things that you can do is to avoid using titles that are misleading. It means that you use a title for the purpose of compelling users to click on it. When the readers reach your site, your content does not match your title.

If the content does not match what users are searching for, it only misleads them, and Google will give your site a low ranking.

So make sure that you only use titles that accurately describe the content.

Other reputation factors you should consider is to improve your site’s About Us page and ease of contact. If you have consumer reviews, you may publish them to your site. Then, ensure that it has up-to-date content.