4 Tips to Grow Site with CBD SEO Strategy

 Tips to Grow Site with CBD SEO Strategy

Most CBD companies rely on social media and search traffic. They can’t use paid ads because of the restrictions. If you own a CBD company in your area and you contact a search in the search engine, does your company appear near the top? If not, then it might be time for you to invest in a CBD SEO strategy. 

How to Get Started with CBD SEO? 

1. Find the Right Keywords 

No matter what industry you’re in, SEO always starts with searching for keywords. The reason for this is that keywords are the ones used by your customers to find your CBD website. Use a keyword search tool, like Google Adwords to conduct keyword research. When searching for keywords, opt for long-tail keywords. They have clear search intent. 

2. Optimize Meta Tags 

They play a vital role in boosting your rank in search results. These tags are used to determine your page’s relevancy. It’s tricky to write a title that compels your audience to click on the result. And this is where an SEO expert can help. The expert knows how to optimize the title tag to ensure potential customers will click on the listing. 

3. Build Local Presence 

No one wants to order CBD from a company located outside their area. That’s why they look for local CBD companies. And it’s one reason you need to optimize your site to drive local leads. What SEO Expert Danny can do will include claiming your Google My Business, ensuring NAP details are updated, and optimizing local keywords, among others. 

4. Establish Company as an Authority

SEO requires a lot of relevant content. Content marketing is part of the process. It’s a method that lets you share information with your audience. As you create content, you’re establishing yourself as an authority. 

When you continue to publish more relevant, trustworthy content, people will see you as an authority, which helps build confidence in your brand. When it comes to content, though, it doesn’t always mean text. There are various types of content you can use for your CBD website. Besides publishing long-form content, blog posts, and eBook, you can also post infographics, checklist downloads, and videos. 

What Content to Use? 

To appeal to different types of people, you may use a variety of content formats. Video content is more appealing to your potential customers. However, it can be tricky to only upload videos on your site. The reason for this is that search engines are still having a hard time understanding videos. But it can be done. Through the help of SEO experts, they can optimize your videos on your site to ensure that they will appear on search results. 

How SEO Experts Danny Can Help? 

It can take time and effort to develop an effective CBD SEO campaign. If you don’t have the time to build this plan, SEO Experts Danny can help. Our team consists of marketing experts who can craft a custom SEO plan with higher ROI. Talk to us here: (213) 322-0770.